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Học Tiếng Anh Với Tin Tức

Apple Releases Guide for Android Users Who Want...
Apple Releases Guide for Android Users Who Want to Switch to iPhone Học Tiếng Anh Với Tin Tức In anticipation of the launch of the new iPhone 6, Apple has released a document to help those with Android smartphones to migrate their data to the iPhone. The document gives step-by-step instructions about how Android users can easily move...

Harry Potter Theme Park to Open in Osaka Japan
Harry Potter Theme Park to Open in Osaka Japan เรียนภาษาอังกฤษจากข่าว A new theme park called “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter” will open in Osaka Japan in late 2014. The sprawling attraction will be modeled after a theme park that opened at Universal Orlando Resort in 2010, in the US state of Florida. The...